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Horrific Saw Deaths


The Most Terrifying Traps

The Pendulum Trap

The pendulum trap is one of the most iconic traps in the Saw series. The victim is suspended upside down from a ceiling, and a pendulum with a razor blade attached to it swings back and forth. The victim must find a way to free themselves before the pendulum cuts them in half.

The Jigsaw Trap

The jigsaw trap is another classic Saw trap. The victim is placed in a room with a jigsaw puzzle in the center. The victim must solve the puzzle in order to escape, but if they fail, they will be killed by the jigsaw blade.

The Rack Trap

The rack trap is a particularly gruesome trap. The victim is strapped to a rack and stretched to their limits. The victim must find a way to escape before their limbs are torn from their body.

These are just a few of the many horrific deaths in the Saw series. The series is known for its graphic violence and gore, and these death scenes are some of the most memorable and disturbing in horror cinema.
